LIM Chocolate: craft chocolate for passion


My name is Federico and I have a dream: i want to show that it is possible to change, with our way of think, the quality of our life and of those around us.

Perhaps you don’t know that the chocolate industry does not pay fair wages to cocoa farmers, who consequently live in poverty and unable to access basic needs: water and food, healthcare, education.

LIM chocolate is the final result of a chain of partnership and synergies that has its roots in the ethical and human respect of people, from the cocoa farmer to the final consumer. Chocolate is a tool with which I undertake, in my small way, to improve the days: for the farmers, who can finally grow and live in dignity, for me who transform them with passion by doing what I like every day, for you that you taste it to share your happiness, or simply to feel better.

Slowly, consistently, one bar at a time.



We combine the authentic flavors of cocoa producing countries with the typical excellence of our territory, the Langhe.

We produce chocolate bars and other products derived from the best cocoa beans grown in the fazende of South America, Africa and Asia, by small producers who create value by working with ethics and respect for the earth.

The hazelnuts instead come from our land, the Langhe, and they are recognized as the best in the world.

Work and time are the two essential factors to give the final chocolate a unique and inimitable explosion of aromas.


FAIR PAID COCOA: we use ultra premium cocoa that we pay fairly and for which we have full traceability on where and how our money will be used by the cooperatives.

ORGANIC: Most of our raw materials are grown to the highest organic/organic standards. Because we believe in organic not as a label or fashion but as a lifestyle.

PLANET: we use 100% sustainable and recyclable packaging and organize the production on a weekly basis to have the lowest possible energy impact.


Are you organizing a wedding, a baptism or a particular event and want to offer a unique, original, ethical memory?

Together we create your tablet or your spread, personalized and exclusive.

Do you / work in a company and want to give your customers or employees a quality and unique product?

We can work together to create the solution that best suits your needs. LIM collaborates with numerous local excellences, which have established themselves worldwide for unique and high-quality products.


Do you have a business and want to offer your customers our chocolate?​
Are you working in a restaurant, an ice cream shop, a pastry shop… and do you want to use our chocolate to create unique exceptional products to offer to your customers?
​Contact us for information on the partnership we can create together!
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Benvenuto su LIM Chocolate!

Subito per te un buono sconto del 5%

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